Travel Notes At The Easel

Friday, August 05, 2011

Painting The Artist's Garden

Gathering Grapes (Woodruff Place), 7" x 9", $525.

I have painted lovely ancient and Renaissance gardens in Italy," Rosanna says, "because I am drawn to the subjects of fountains, statues, hedges, and trees. My interest in formal gardens were instilled in me while growing up in Woodruff Place's woody parkways filled with statues and fountains. The graces of Woodruff Place are similar to ones I have painted in Italy. My own garden dates back three generations with its Venetian statues of the seasons, urns filled with bright pink geraniums, high hedges, and a grove of trees. The garden is hidden, but you are invited to enter the gates to this special place.

Twitter Birds (Woodruff Place), 6 1/2" x 10", $550.

I also delight in other gardens in Indianapolis: I discover wonderful garden compositions at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Your own garden also can inspire me to spend hours capturing your place of paradise.   Summer inspires me to paint in my shaded garden. I sit on a campstool and paint at my easel after discovering wonderful compositions. Mine is the admiring eye.
Garden on the Green (Indianapolis Museum of Art),30" x 40", $2,800 Framed.

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